Saturday, 9 August 2014

The Way We Talk To Our Children Becomes Their Inner Voice

The Way We Talk To Our Children Becomes Their Inner Voice

Its a very good habit to talk and devote time to our kids, now these days kids are busy in electronic gadgets and parents have no time to talk to them. It has lots of disadvantages for our future. As a habit of a child, they imitate our habits and lifestyles, same way the we talk and behave children talk in the same way and become habitual, So while talking with children we should take care.

It Is Better To Live One Day As A Lion Than 100 Years As A Sheep

It Is Better To Live One Day As A Lion Than 100 Years As A Sheep

Luck helps those who courage and speak face to face with the problem, same this saying applicable right here whey do you live being frightened and defeated like a sheep or goat, come one get up and be like a lion, who roars and all its enemies runs away.  Don't afraid circumstances.

Thursday, 7 August 2014